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Why Witness?

Essentials for Effective Witnessing

The Cry

The Wrong Address

You don't change your way of living to get saved,
but you get saved to change your way of living. 

I got bumped into first class because the plane was overbooked and they had an extra seat in first class. Next to me was a Colonel in the Army. We just hit it off in conversation. He immediately ordered "double scotch on the rocks" before the plane took off. He then proceeded to tell me about a terrible trial he had gone through. It was awesome. 

When he finished I gave him my testimony how at 17 years of age, for the first time, I heard that God loved me and Jesus suffered and died for my sins and rose again. He listened intently. Carefully I explained how God loved him as well and the whole issue was did Jesus really pay for all of our sins or didn't He. God unusually made it clear to him and he told me he had never heard it like that before. 

When I asked if he would like to trust God and what the Lord Jesus did for his salvation and pray to receive the Lord Jesus as his Savior he replied, " I sure would." He prayed out loud with me to receive the Lord Jesus and looked up with the biggest smile on his face. I began to go over how to grow spiritually and get the most out of the Christian life. 

About then the flight attendant came to him with his drink and he said, "No, thanks, I don't need that now, I just received the Lord Jesus as my Savior."

Do you remember that woman at the well who had been married five times and was now living with a man and not married to him, in John 4? The Lord Jesus did not tell her to change her way of living nor jump all over her for her sin but she got saved and my how her way of living changed. That is the answer to he world's needs today. We just need to get folks to Jesus and let him change them so they can then change their way of living.

Pray for souls, plant a lot of seed and look for the ones God has ready. It brings more joy than anything this old world has to offer.


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