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The "Gospel"

Most Christians do not put themselves in the shoes of the non-Christian who has never read the Bible, nor been to church, nor really heard the gospel. Too often they glibly quote John 3:16 and think they have given the gospel when that non-Christian does not have a clue who "God's only begotten son" is nor what it means that He "gave his Son." Our minds are so full of what all that says that we need to think like the unsaved so we can explain how to be saved and he will "understand" Matt 13:23 it and not make a false profession of faith. 

Read "gospel" tracts and listen carefully to sermons and it will shock, you if you are discerning, how the gospel is left out. Most will emphasize that "all have sinned" and "the wages of sin is death" and then leave out what ought to be the obvious next statement and that is "Christ died for our sins." He paid the debt in full and rose again. Now that is the gospel, the good news that, is the "power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes" Rom 1:16.

Many will say, Jesus died on cross and think they have given the gospel but don't forget the two thieves died on a cross. Some say Jesus suffered on the cross but so did the thieves. Others will say Jesus gave his life for us but millions gave their lives for us in the second world war. The difference is Jesus gave his life, suffered and died "for our sins." No one else could or did die for our sins and that alone is why God can forgive us of our sins. This is what people must "believe" and trust in to get them to heaven. Too often people are told Jesus is the way and then exhorted to "give your life to God" or "confess you sins" or "confess Christ as Lord" or whatever. No, "He that believes on the Son has life" John 3:36. Remember Matt 7:22 when they said, "Haven't we done many wonderful works in thy name" as their reason for expecting to go to heaven. They were believing in what they were doing and not in what Christ did to get them to heaven and thus were never saved, or "born again" and will hear him say, "I never knew you."

Some are told to "give your heart to Christ" or to "give you life to God." No, we are told, not to give God something but to receive the Lord Jesus as you own Savior John 1:12, for "He that has the son has life" 1 John 5:12.

Dear friends, do you want to be an effective soul-winner? Do you want to see more people saved through your preaching? This is not splitting hairs. This is the difference between heaven and hell, being saved or lost. We must be careful to give the "gospel." Many think they have when they have not told "Christ died for our sins." You will be wise and see more results if you say it over and over again in your sermon or witnessing. People often do not catch it the first time they hear the gospel. 

Let's get the gospel to "every person." Good gospel tracts are an excellent way to begin doing this. May the dear Lord help us to plant a lot of seed and see many souls come to Christ and help really change the world. 

I want you to catch this and see more souls saved so bad I could scream. I love you dearly, all because of Calvary, sumner


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